Roadform Ltd have completed the civil contract on this project in Bandon Co. Cork which upgraded the existing waste water treatment infrastructure allowing for increases in the wastewater treatment capacity at the plant and improving the quality of the treated water out-falling to the river Bandon.
Works for the project were carried out at the existing waste water treatment plant, pump station, at the outfall location on the Bandon River and along the N71 public road. Works at the live Pump Station included demolition of the existing structures, diversion of the existing flows from the town while excavating for and construction of the new reinforced concrete pump station structures at a depth in excess of 10m within temporary works structures. All works were carried out within the confines of a highly restrictive and sensitive site.
Further works were carried out at the existing waste water treatment plant site and included construction of new reinforced concrete structures including AAS tanks, Control Building, Substation Building, internal pipelines and all associated structures and services, etc.
Pipeline construction for the project included 1200mm Ø concrete outfall pipeline, 400mm Ø Ductile Iron rising main pipelines on the public road at the N72 and PE pipelines within the WWTP and Pump Station sites.