Cork Mid West Bundle Sewerage Scheme
Project Details
Contract: | Cork Mid West Bundle Sewerage Scheme Project |
Client: | EPS Group/ Irish Water |
Year: | 2019- Present |
Contract Details: Roadform Ltd are currently undertaking the civil works on this contract at locations within mid-Cork including Ballymakeera, Coachford, Dripsey and Innishannon. The upgrade works are required to increase the capacity of the existing plants to cater for present and future population equivalents of 600PE at Dripsey and 1600PE at Coachford and provide new capacity population equivalents of 2600PE at Ballymakeera and 1600PE at Innishannon. The project includes construction of reinforced concrete retaining structures, pipeline installation, building construction and all associated services within each of the four site locations. The works incorporate upgrading of existing plants and pipelines at Coachford and Dripsey and construction of new plants, sewer networks and outfall pipelines at Ballymakeera and Innishannon. Pipeline construction includes installation of new sewer networks at all locations utilising various pipe sizes and types. Roadform Ltd are responsible for all temporary works, for managing live traffic along the pipeline routes, and managing the safe interaction with pedestrians, residents, business properties and associated stakeholders in the vicinity of the works. This project is due for completion Q4 2021. |