Roadform Ltd have been awarded the Civil Works contract for the upgrade of the Millstreet Waste Water Treatment Plant in partnership with EPS Group.
This Irish Water/Cork County Council project involves the decommissioning of the existing wastewater treatment processes, which will be replaced with a modern wastewater treatment plant constructed on adjacent vacant lands. The new wastewater treatment plant will cater for a future population equivalent of 3,220. The new WWTP will have capacity to treat the equivalent of over 2,500 wheelie bins of sewage.
The existing WWTP is currently operating over its design capacity. The new plant will provide increased treatment capacity and facilitate future development within the town. This project will improve water quality in the Tanyard Stream and River Finnow the discharge quality of treated water from the plant will be improved.
The project will include the new treatment plant and associated infrastructure including a storm water storage tank, preliminary treatment equipment, secondary treatment tanks, 1.3km of new sewer pipes along Station Road to bring the treated wastewater discharge to the River Finnow, replacement of the existing Mount Leader Pumping Station new sewer construction and existing sewer rehabilitation works in the town.